Artiklar och databaser - Universitetsbiblioteket


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Library catalogue. Databases A–Ö. Encyclopedias. Periodicals · Subject Guides · My loans · Närbild på coronavirus med texten Bibliotekets service under covid-  Publiceringsstöd för forskare. Här finner du information om DiVA, hur du publicerar och synliggör din forskning, hantering av forskningsdata med mera. Inloggning krävs. Data- och kognitionsvetenskap Ingenjörsvetenskap Kognitiv neurovetenskap Konferensbidrag och proceedings Tidskriftsartiklar och tidskrifter. Retrieved from Business Source Elite database, 8470&lang=es&site=ehost-live,  En sökmotor för vetenskapliga open access-resurser.

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Type of Database: International db. Department Name 123 Cross Way, Kingston 7 Tel: (876) 999-9999 Fax: (876) 888-8888 Bookmarkable URL intermediate page 2020-02-17 – Apply limiters specific to a database. If you select a special limiter, it is applied only to the database under which it appears 8. Click the Search button.

EBSCOhost e-books - Database information - Chalmers Library

This database provides original text and English translation of Greek and Latin literature and includes: epic and lyric poetry; tragedy and comedy; history, travel, philosophy, and oratory; the great medical writers and mathematicians. 2021-03-12 · This database covers topics such as AIDS, cancer, diabetes, drugs & alcohol, aging, fitness, nutrition & dietetics, children's health, women's health, etc.

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Ebscohost database

EBSCOhost MA in Teaching Research Proposal. Sök litteratur om kvinnor i Afrika. Africana Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database Direkt. Sök artiklar om Afrika. AJOL, African Journals Online Direkt. Library catalogue. Databases A–Ö. Encyclopedias.

Ebscohost database

You can limit your search to articles that are Scholarly (Peer Reviewed).
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Ebscohost database

EBSCO provides products and services to libraries of very many types around the world. Its products include EBSCONET, a complete e-resource management system, and EBSCOhost, which supplies a fee-based online research service with 375 full-text databases, a collection of 600,000-plus ebooks, subject indexes, point-of 2018-08-29 · Step 1, Log into the EBSCOhost database you wish to use. You might probably log in via a link from your library.Step 2, Make sure Basic Search is selected beneath the search box. The search box is found at the top center of the page. Beneath the search box is a box of Search Options that takes up the rest of the page.Step 3, Select the search mode you wish to use.

Buy EBSCO eBooks This tutorial demonstrates how to create a Basic Search using EBSCOhost.Log into EBSCOhost at: and sign in with credentials prov How does EBSCOhost determine what thesaurus terms are listed on the side under Refine Results? Subject: Thesaurus Term facets are made up of subject terms available in the article's citation. Subject: Thesaurus Terms are terms created by professional lexicographers and subject specialists to fit the scope of the database. 2018-05-29 · By default, EBSCOhost puts an AND in between the search boxes. You can use the pull-down menus to to change it. Boolean-savvy users: EBSCOhost treats each search box like a giant set of parentheses. You can limit your search to articles that are Scholarly (Peer Reviewed).
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Ebscohost database

This database provides full text access to articles from magazines, newspapers, and journals (some have been peer reviewed). Buy EBSCO eBooks, Audiobooks, and Magazines. Build a DDA collection; Manage your DDA deposits; Explore popular Subject Sets; Set up and receive new content alerts EbscoHost Research Databases . EbscoHost Research Databases. EbscoHost Research Databases (UWI only) provides access to numerous databases.

Basic Searching on EBSCOhost - Tutorial. Number of Views 61.18K. Using the CINAHL/MeSH Subject Headings Feature in EBSCOhost - Tutorial. Number of Views 27.52K. Logins . EBSCO Academy. Learn more about your EBSCO products and services, or discover new ones, with our recorded trainings, demos and live instructor-led courses.
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11. The Cinahl Databases Databaser / Databases.